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Android Development Essential - ADE

  • Category: Software Development
  • Exam Code: ADE
  • Type of Question: Multiple-choice question
  • Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
  • Passing Score: 60%
  • Enquiry


Understanding the Android SDK, creating apps using tools like Android Studio, and being proficient in the Java or Kotlin programming languages are all part of the Android Development Essentials. Understanding UI/UX design concepts and integrating features like alerts, databases, and network operations are essential for proficient Android programming. Developers may design reliable and intuitive applications for the broad Android ecosystem by adhering to platform upgrades and rules.

Course Curriculum

  1. Overview of Android Development
    • Introduction to Android OS and its architecture
    • History and Evolution of Android
    • Android development ecosystem and tools
  2. Setting Up Android Development Environment
    • Installing Android Studio
    • Configuring an Android emulator and real devices
    • Creating and managing Android Virtual Devices (AVDs)
  3. Building Your First Android App
    • Creating a new Android project
    • Understanding the project structure
    • Building a simple "Hello World" app
  1. User Interface Basics
    • Introduction to XML Layout Files
    • Views and ViewGroups in Android
    • Designing layouts with XML
  2. Common UI Components
    • Buttons, TextViews, EditText, and other basic widgets
    • Layouts (LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout)
    • Styling and Themes in Android
  3. Project: Building a User Interface
    • Creating a user interface for a basic Android app
  1. Understanding Activities
    • Lifecycle of an Android Activity
    • Creating and managing multiple activities
    • Navigation between activities
  2. Intents and Intent Filters
    • Implicit and Explicit Intents
    • Passing data between activities
    • Intent filters and deep linking
  3. Implementing Activities and Intents
    • Integrating activities and intents into a sample app
  1. Working with Data Storage
    • SharedPreferences for Small Data Storage
    • Internal and external storage options
    • SQLite database basics
  2. Networking in Android
    • Making network requests using HttpURLConnection
    • Consuming RESTful APIs with Retrofit
    • Handling network requests asynchronously
  3. Implementing Data Persistence and Networking
    • Incorporating data storage and network communication into an app
  1. Fragments and Multi-Screen Apps
    • Introduction to Fragments
    • Building responsive layouts
    • Navigation patterns for multi-screen apps
  2. Services and Broadcast Receivers
    • Understanding Android Services
    • Creating and managing background services
    • Broadcast receivers for inter-component communication
  3. Deployment and Publishing
    • Generating a signed APK
    • Preparing an app for release
    • Publishing an app to the Google Play Store